Icestocksport is like playing boules on ice. Everybody can take part and the game is easy to grasp. A great group activity.
Each team has four players each with an Ice Stock. A draw decides which team of two commences and then the teams alternate play.
The wooden target called the 'Daube' is placed in the centre of the play area and can be displaced within the area but if it is displaced out of the play area is then returned to the centre. The aim is to get one's ice stock as near to the 'Daube' as possible. After each round of which there are 6 the points are added up. The nearest stick is awarded three points and all the others within the play area gain two points. It is possible to knock your opponents stick out of the area.
per hour and lane | CHF 100.00 | max. 10 persons per lane |
Reservation necessary | Phone +42 33 854 12 30 | |